225 Lincoln Highway
Fairless Hills, PA 19030

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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 6:00
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Owner’s Manuals – A Comprehensive Guide On Owners Manuals

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Owner’s Manuals – Brochure or Guide? Owner’s manuals are not just another brochure or paper you get while purchasing the car. This instructional book has all the information you need to operate your specific model’s features, along with indispensable troubleshooting advice. Although owner’s manuals may not sound interesting, taking some time to go through this information … Read more

Radio Repairs – Radios in Modern Cars are Computerized

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Radio Repairs – Back in the Day… Back in the day, car radios were separate units within the car. Granted, they were connected to other components like batteries and speakers. However, they were in most part semi-autonomous. Because of this simplicity, car radio repairs were more straightforward. You would simply take out the radio unit, … Read more

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