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Auto Entertainment – Crazy Creative Car Entertainment Systems

Auto Entertainment – A Subculture of Crazy Good Creativity

People love their cars.  And there is a subculture of people who love their auto entertainment systems in their cars.  They love them so much…they’re crazy.

But it’s crazy good (not creepy, crazy bad) Crazy, amazing and crazy, creative.  Shown below are some of the most entertaining auto entertainment systems out there:

Auto entertainment powered car:

Auto Entertainment - speaker power

For the owner that can’t decide which speaker sounds best…you just use them all:

Auto Entertainment - speaker variety

Is this Phil Spector’s car, the wall of sound?:

Auto Entertainment - wall of sound

Looks like a nuclear powered auto entertainment system:

Auto Entertainment - nuclear powered

Glow in the dark auto entertainment?

Auto Entertainment - glow in the dark

Surround sound:

Auto Entertainment - surround sound

Somebody really likes black:

Auto Entertainment - all black

Auto Entertainment – Sorry, I’m Not This Crazy

If you’re looking for auto entertainment, come see me.  I’m sorry….I don’t do anything like the above pictures, but I can install a very nice system that will keep the kids entertained and the adults singing oldies.

The pictures above show crazy creative.  I’m not crazy, I’m just EZ. Call me.

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